Lara Golan



Lacy’s Christmas Do-Over (feature film, composer), Lionsgate

A Ring For Christmas (feature film, composer), Karen Clark Productions

My Daughter Was Stolen (feature film, composer), Wild Horse Pictures, LLC/Golan Studios

The Distant Flight of Birds (operatic collaboration/live performance), Sarah Bendix (director)

“Belonging in the USA” (episodes 1 and 2, documentary show, pilot) Legacy Films

The Sausage Show (operatic comedy/live performance), Forte Chicago

“Deranged Marriage” (pilot episode, opening credits), Atomic Imaging

Paranormal Island (film, additional sounds/music), Full Throttle Productions

Loyola Press (marketing video), Atomic Imaging

Wild Things (short film, featured in the Chicago South Indian Film Festival), Sandeep Sharma (director)

Sense of Place (documentary, full score), Mary Scherer (director)

Dr. Egg and the Man With No Ear (musical, full score), Redmoon Theater

Earth Arcade (theatrical installation project), Audubon Elementary

The Nickelodeons (installation), Redmoon Theater

Crack the Code (commercial), Siemens

Earobics (educational video game)